August 13, 2024

The hormonal rollercoaster no one warned you about.

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Across the country, school start dates are staggered. For our home, our oldest is going back to school today—jumping from part-time to full-day preschool hours. Honestly, the thought of this minor transition has me feeling like this 🥺. If I’m this sentimental now, I can only imagine how I'll feel when she heads off to college someday! (And for those who have a few more days of summer left, scroll down 👇🏼 for some ideas on how to end it strong! )

🌟 Please take a moment to explore the blue links below in each newsletter —we've handpicked these resources just for you! Every click brings valuable insights to help you on your journey. 💙

  • Raising Gentlemen: Building boys who break the mold.

  • More Than Hot Flashes: Perimenopause—the hormonal rollercoaster no one warned you about.

  • Last Call for Summer Fun: 5 ways to end vacation on a high note.


Raising gentlemen.

Raising boys who are compassionate, respectful, and emotionally intelligent isn’t just a nice idea—it’s a must. Here's how parents can nurture positive masculinity, shaping a future generation of men who break free from harmful stereotypes and embrace healthy masculinity.

Start with Toys and Play

Encourage personal expression. Give boys access to a variety of toys, not just the ones traditionally labeled as “for boys.” Studies show that boys who engage with gender-neutral toys are more likely to support gender equality later in life.

Use play to define values. Through role-playing and imagination, introduce a range of healthy emotions and respectful dialogue. Ask questions like, “How do you think they feel?” to build empathy and understanding.

Media Matters

Choose wisely. Select books, TV shows, and media with positive male role models who challenge gender norms. These examples can help boys see a broader range of emotions and behaviors as acceptable.

Identify positive role models. Whether in your community or in the media, point out men who exhibit healthy, respectful behaviors. Use these examples to spark discussions about what it means to be a man.

Be clear about consent. Let your boys know that everyone’s personal space matters. Teach them to ask for permission before touching others and respect when someone says no.

Speak up. If someone makes a disrespectful comment, address it immediately. Show your son that respect is non-negotiable, and model the behavior you want him to emulate.

Cultivate Emotional Strength

Embrace emotion. Encourage boys to recognize and express their emotions. Validating these feelings fosters empathy and connection, essential traits for positive masculinity.

Break stereotypes. Challenge societal expectations by encouraging your son to explore interests and emotions beyond traditional gender norms.

By embracing these strategies, parents can help their sons grow into men who are not only strong but also compassionate, empathetic, and respectful.



More than hot flashes.

More than hot flashes.

Welcome to the wild ride of perimenopause—the transition phase before menopause that every woman should know about, but few talk about. Imagine your hormones throwing a party, but no one invited logic or predictability. Yep, that's perimenopause.

Why the Silence?

Despite its impact, perimenopause often flies under the radar. This is partly because until the 1990s, research in areas like sports science was primarily conducted on men, with findings extrapolated to women. Unsurprisingly, this left gaps in understanding female health, including perimenopause.

What Exactly is Perimenopause?

Perimenopause is the prelude to menopause, typically starting in your 40s, though it can begin as early as your 30s. It can last anywhere from two to ten years, with an average of seven. Symptoms range from irregular periods to sleep disturbances. And those dreaded hot flashes and mood swings you’ve heard about? They’re part of this lovely phase.

10 Common Perimenopausal Symptoms:

  1. Irregular Menstrual Cycles

  2. Hot Flashes and Night Sweats

  3. Vaginal Changes

  4. Mood Swings

  5. Low Libido

  6. Sleep Disturbances

  7. Changes in Bone Health

  8. Changes in Skin and Hair

  9. Memory and Cognitive Changes

  10. Weight Gain and Metabolic Changes

Why Younger Women Should Care

If you’re in your 20s or 30s, you might think perimenopause is eons away. But educating yourself now is crucial for better advocacy when the time comes. Don’t wait until the symptoms hit—prepare yourself by understanding the changes that lie ahead.

How to Manage Perimenopause

Navigating perimenopause requires a proactive approach:

  • Educate yourself about the changes in your body.

  • Maintain balanced blood sugar with regular meals.

  • Increase protein intake to counter fatigue and weight gain.

  • Stick to a routine to help manage mood swings.

  • Consider vaginal creams to maintain vaginal health.

The journey through perimenopause can be confusing, but with the right knowledge and self-advocacy, you can handle it like a pro. Talk about it, learn about it, and don’t be afraid to ask for the support you need.


Last call for summer fun.

As summer vacation wraps up, why not make the last day unforgettable? Here's how to squeeze every drop of fun out of it:

  1. Re-Do Your Favorite Summer Day
    Poll the fam on their top summer moments and recreate the highlights for a perfect send-off.

  2. Hide Painted Rock Memories
    Get creative by painting rocks with your favorite summer memories, then hide them around town. Include a hashtag for finders to share on social media.

  3. Sightsee in Your Hometown
    Become a tourist in your own backyard. Explore hidden gems, and revisit favorite spots.

  4. Have a Summer Treat Crawl
    Embark on a quest to find the best summer treats—ice cream, smoothies, and more.

  5. Make a Bucket List Jar for the Year
    Missed anything this summer? Jot it down and tackle it throughout the year.

USA Artistic Swimming just leveled up their routine with a splash of moonwalking magic—Michael Jackson would be proud!


A message in a bottle found at Corson’s Inlet State Park could be the oldest in the world. The bottle, discovered by Amy Smyth Murphy, contains papers possibly dating back to 1876, including a business card and a handwritten note connected to a Philadelphia company and a yacht from the late 1800s.

Kayla Kosmalski, 18, made history as the first contestant with Down syndrome to compete in Miss Teen USA. Although she did not win the title, she was honored with the "Miss Congeniality" award for her platform advocating acceptance and inclusion.

U.S. lawmakers are pushing to ban weighted sleep products for infants following federal data linking them to at least five baby deaths between 2022 and 2024. Despite manufacturers claiming these products improve sleep for both babies and parents, medical experts and safety advocates warn that they may impede infants' breathing and movement.

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Grilled Honey Mustard Chicken Skewers
Fire up the grill for these mouthwatering Grilled Honey Mustard Chicken Skewers! Juicy chicken marinated in a sweet and tangy honey mustard sauce, paired with vibrant summer veggies, and served over fluffy jasmine rice. It's the perfect weeknight dinner—simple, delicious, and guaranteed to be a crowd-pleaser!

🎬 Ready, Set, Watch! Olympic movies to inspire your kids.

🏷️ Label it, love it. Customizable kids’ name labels that ensure lost stuff finds its way home.

🏢 Corporate family life. Couples running their families like well-oiled machines.

🍳 Beef hack alert! The smartest ground beef cooking trick you'll never skip again.

🍔 Nostalgia served. McDonald's new collector's meal comes with a seriously retro keepsake.

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✨ Annalee and Karin ✨

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