August 30, 2024

Grand plans for Grandparents Day.

So, it turns out our poll last week revealed that “fridgescaping” is officially not worth your precious time—who knew? Apparently, even if you had all the time in the world, rearranging magnets and produce just doesn’t make the cut.

But don’t fret! We’re taking a well-deserved breather next week for Labor Day. No need to schedule a “fridgescaping” marathon—just enjoy the holiday! 🎉

👋 Before you fly off, let’s keep our mom network growing! Share Birdie with your fellow supermoms and help us spread the word.
Catch you after the break!

  • Small Acts, Big Calm: How Micro-Moments Make Major Mental Gains

  • Money Talks: Teaching Kids the ABCs of Finances

  • Grand Gestures: Creative Ways to Celebrate Grandparents Day


Your new mental health MVP.

In today’s fast-paced world, finding time for self-care can feel like trying to catch a breeze in a hurricane—next to impossible. But what if I told you that taking care of your mental health doesn't require a complete lifestyle overhaul or a weekend retreat in the mountains? Enter micro-moments—tiny, intentional acts that can make a world of difference for your mental well-being.

What Are Micro-Moments?
Think of micro-moments as bite-sized pieces of mindfulness sprinkled throughout your day. We're talking about the simplest acts, like taking a deep breath during a stressful meeting, savoring your morning coffee without distractions, or even just feeling the warmth of the sun on your skin. These aren't just fleeting niceties—they’re strategic moves in the mental health game.

Why They Work
Here's the science: Micro-moments activate the parasympathetic nervous system—the part responsible for calming you down. They also trigger the release of feel-good chemicals like dopamine and endorphins, promoting relaxation and counteracting stress. And while these tiny actions might seem insignificant on their own, when practiced consistently, they accumulate to make a big impact on your overall mental health.

Incorporate Micro-Moments into Your Routine
You don’t need to rearrange your life to include micro-moments. It’s about being present in the life you're already living. Here are some ways to start:

  • Mindful Breathing: Take a moment to breathe deeply while commuting or transitioning between tasks.

  • Body Scan: Use shower time to check in with how each part of your body feels.

  • Mindful Eating: Focus fully on your meal—no screens allowed.

  • Gratitude Pause: Reflect on three things you’re grateful for before bed.

  • Mindful Listening: Give your full attention during conversations.

  • Nature Appreciation: Pause to enjoy a moment outdoors.

The beauty of micro-moments? They don’t require extra time—just a shift in focus. Try incorporating a few into your day and watch how these tiny acts add up to a calmer, more centered you.

Dad’s viral video captures daughter’s growth over 12 years. Pittsburgh meteorologist Ray Petelin’s heartwarming TikTok video reveals how much his daughter, Elizabeth, has changed from Kindergarten to her senior year of high school. 🎥 The video captures annual interviews that showcase her evolving interests and dreams. It’s a touching reminder of how quickly kids grow up.


Cash class.

Did you know? Kids form their money habits as early as age 7. That’s right—before they’re even multiplying numbers, they’re already picking up on financial cues. With financial anxiety starting as young as 14, it’s crucial to start money talks early and often. Here’s a breakdown of key money milestones that can set your kids up for a financially savvy future.

Early Childhood (Ages 3-6)

🐷 First Piggy Bank - Introduce them to saving with their first piggy bank. It’s more than just a cute decoration—it’s their first step into the world of money. Celebrate every deposit, no matter how small!

💰 Money Awareness - Start by teaching the basics: money isn’t just something adults use—it’s something they’ll use too. Use everyday moments, like grocery shopping, to explain the concept of exchanging money for goods.

Elementary Years (Ages 7-11)

🤑 First Allowance - Whether tied to chores or not, an allowance gives kids firsthand experience with budgeting and decision-making. Let them learn the value of saving, spending, and sharing their own money.

🏦 First Savings Account - Level up from the piggy bank to a real bank account. This milestone introduces them to interest, the banking system, and the importance of saving for the future.

Tween Years (Ages 12-14)

💸 First Budget - As kids start to earn more, introduce budgeting. It’s a plan for their money, helping them make wise spending decisions that align with their goals.

📈 First Investment - Time to teach them about the magic of compounding. With your help, they can start investing in fractional stocks or ETFs, setting the stage for long-term wealth building.

Teen Years (Ages 15-18)

💳 First Credit Card - Before they hit 18, guide them through the world of credit. Emphasize good habits like paying bills on time and keeping balances low.

🎓 First Major Life Decision - Whether it’s college or a career, help them navigate this major financial milestone. The choices they make now will have a lasting impact on their financial future.

Bottom line? Start early, talk often, and watch your kids grow into financially confident adults.

DID YOU KNOW? Labor Day started with a historic parade on September 5, 1882, where 10,000 workers marched in New York City demanding better conditions. This pivotal event sparked the holiday’s celebration, which was officially recognized 12 years later.


Grand plans for Grandparents.

Once we become parents, we gain a whole new appreciation for our own. So why not celebrate them in style this Grandparents Day? Here’s a quick guide to make it memorable—and fun!

  1. Family Photo Shoot 📸: Grab the grandparents, dress up, and snap some multigenerational memories. Pro tip: Bring snacks for a picnic after!

  2. Host a Grandparents Night: Crank up their favorite tunes, serve their favorite foods, and dive into their past with a fun questionnaire. Bonus: It’s a perfect way to learn their stories.

  3. Spoil Them with Chores: Gather the kids and tackle those pesky yard tasks—mow the lawn, weed the garden, then kick back with some cookies.

  4. Memory Jar Craft: Have the kids jot down special memories on paper squares. Pop them in a jar for a gift that keeps on giving.

Whether you go big or keep it simple, your efforts will make their day unforgettable.

Parents are discovering that serving dinner right after school might be the secret to a more peaceful evening. By addressing hunger early, families avoid excessive snacking and tantrums, leading to a calmer and happier home life.


Educators are tackling cellphone addiction by ramping up extracurricular activities to keep students engaged. In Spokane, Washington, the new “Engage IRL” initiative aims to offer students appealing after-school options to combat the lure of screens and improve overall involvement and performance.

Australians can now legally ignore work calls and emails outside their working hours thanks to new legislation. Employers face fines up to $93,000 for contacting employees for non-essential reasons after hours, aiming to boost productivity by respecting personal time.

UPS drivers avoid left turns to enhance safety and efficiency. By sticking to right turns and a set route, they cut down on accidents, save fuel, and prolong vehicle life, managing to save around 10 million gallons of fuel annually.

🎃 Pumpkin spice and everything nice. 15 fall baby shower ideas for your little squash.

👟 Shoe-in for comfort. 13 slippers & clogs perfect for school drop-offs.

📱 Calm and click. Top 10 apps to help teens tackle anxiety.

🐾 Pet-proof your pantry. 25 foods that are no-go for furry friends.

👵 Grandmaid to order. Bride turns grandma into a bridesmaid at 83.

👗 Labour Day deals. Carter’s massive sale on kids’ gear will make you squeal!

Labor of Love: Slow Cooker & Sweet Celebrations! 🍗❤️

September 2 - Labor Day: Let your slow cooker do the work this Labor Day with a tasty Brown Sugar BBQ Chicken.

September 8 - Grandparents Day: Make Grandparents Day extra special with our Weekend Focus ideas.

September 15 - National Women’s Friendship Day: Show your bestie some love on National Women’s Friendship Day with these heartfelt ideas.

September 25 - National Daughter’s Day: Celebrate National Daughter’s Day by honoring the amazing girls and raising awareness for gender equality.

✨ Annalee and Karin ✨

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